MHS Seniors Learn from Alumni through Distance Learning
On Tuesday, Oct. 9 and Wednesday, Oct. 10, Milton Hershey School seniors participated in distance learning with several alumni.
“Ten different alumni FaceTimed with our students to talk to them about the transition to college,” said John Karavage, an MHS Senior Seminar teacher. “The students loved it because they got to hear first-hand knowledge. We could say it in class and it could resonate with a few, but when a former MHS student is telling them, it really sinks in.”
MHS alumni shared with students the struggles they faced when starting college, the differences between MHS and college life, and how the Senior Seminars helped prepare them for life after graduation. It’s conversations like these that provide eye-opening lessons for seniors.
“Distance learning is definitely valuable,” said MHS senior Evan Sensenig. “I get to know what to expect at college. The thing that was reinforced to me was that not everybody has the same life experiences as the students at MHS. I think it’s just good to realize how well we are prepared for the outside world because of MHS.”
This is the second year distance learning has been implemented in Senior Seminars. These classes incorporate hands-on, real-world lessons, guest speakers, and assignments that teach students about the various factors that impact their postsecondary success. Learn more about Senior Seminars.